Discover the Rewards of ASEM
Get to Know Other Engineers
The greatest reward of being a member of ASEM is to network with your own classmates and peers and truly get to know them. You don’t even have to be an engineering management major to join ASEM. Our organization is composed of a diverse group of individuals who all come from different backgrounds and have different interests.
Boost your Resume
ASEM is a great asset to any resume because it is a nationally recognized organization. Job recruiters love to hire graduates who are well rounded and involved in extracurricular. By being in a club in your specific field, it shows you care about your major and are involved both inside and outside of the classroom.
Meet with Leaders and Professionals Already in Industry
Through ASEM you will get to meet with leaders and professionals who have years of experience in the industry. These professionals can share their knowledge with you and even help you find internships and jobs for after college.
Increased Faculty and Student Relationships
The SIE department at the University of Arizona truly cares about thier students and are always here to help. Our advisor, Don Bruyere plays an active role in both the SIE department and our club.
Advance your Leadership Skills
There are leadership opportunities for everyone in ASEM even if you don’t hold an officer position. If you choose to, you can step up to the plate during a wide variety of events.
Help with Exams
ASEM hosts exam review sessions for common SIE classes. These include SIE 265 and SIE 305. Studies have shown that students who participate, receive higher scores on their exams. A perk of being an ASEM member is that these reviews are only $5. (Non ASEM member cost is $10).